Radix MDM: Remote Screen View and Control of Devices


The Remote Control command is a powerful tool that makes remote assistance easy and effective. You essentially can assume control of the user’s device, allowing you to click on icons and install and execute apps. It allows you to illustrate to the user exactly how to get things done, instead of only explaining verbally or in writing.

Without Requiring User Confirmation

To use the Remote Control command:

  1. In the Overview Dashboard, click on the Devices Console icon on the far left of the screen. The Device Console opens, displaying all enrolled devices.

  2. Using the Search bar, find the device which you would like to control in the list of devices.

  3. There are three methods for you to access the Remote Control option for the device you selected:
    • From the Device Console Ribbon
    • From the Device Dashboard
    • From the Device’s three-dot menu

Method One: Via the Device Console Ribbon

  1. Click on the checkbox in the far left of the row of the device. The ribbon of commands at the top of the Devices Console becomes active.
  2. Click on the Remote button in the Devices Console ribbon.
  3. The Remote Control screen of the device will open.

    When the remote session starts, the device desktop will appear, allowing you to remotely view and control the device. Controlling or viewing a device is according to the supported device requirement list found below.

Note! If you have a popup blocker installed, it may block the remote control popup screen. Also, you can only engage the remote control option on a single device at a time.

Method Two: Via the Device Dashboard:

  1. Click anywhere on the row of the desired device in the Devices Console.
  2. The Device Dashboard will open.

  3. In the right-hand panel, click on the Remote tile.
  4. The Remote Control screen of the device will open, as in Method One.

Method Three: Via the Device’s Kebab Menu

  1. Click on the three-dot (kebab) menu at the far right of the row of the device in the Device Console.

  2. In the panel of commands that opens, select the Remote Control tile:
  3. The Remote Control Screen of the device will open, as in the previous methods.

With Requiring User Confirmation

If you have Administrator privileges, you can change the settings on a device to require that the remote user provide a confirmation for you to use the Remote Control option on the device.

To require user confirmation for a remote-control session:

  1. Click on the “Account Settings” icon on the left side of the Overview Dashboard.

    The Account Settings window opens.

  2. Click on “Requires users’ permission for remote control” button. When activated, you will only be able to remotely engage with the user’s device after receiving permission from the user.

    The user will receive a prompt on their device, asking them if they wish to allow remote control access:

    When you enable or disable requiring user permission, you’ll receive a pop-up notification in the lower right corner that the account settings have been changed:

    Note: This option is only for users with administrator privileges. If a regular user tries to change the account settings, they will receive an error message telling them that the account settings cannot be changed:

Control of the User Device via Remote Control

There is a set of icons on the left of the display, enabling the Radix Device Management user to perform the following actions:

Rotate left—Rotates the device display 90° counterclockwise
Rotate right—Rotates the device display 90° clockwise
Back—Goes back to the previous screen
Home—Goes to the device’s home screen
App switch—Allows you to switch to one of your recently-used apps
Menu—Goes to the user menu on an app that is presently in use
D-pad—Emulates a directional pad as on a gaming console, to move in different directions

Clicking on the D-pad icon opens a directional pad, which emulates a game controller:

Here is a brief description of the directional pad commands:

Moves the cursor up/down/right/left. Clicking on the center button “selects” the item where the cursor is positioned.
Home: Goes to Home screen
Back: Goes back to the previous screen
Menu: Goes to the user menu
on an app that is presently in use
Toggle: Allows you to toggle
back and forth between the D-pad menu and the Remote menu
Volume control: Raises and lowers the volume on the device

Ending a Remote Control Session

To end a Remote Control session, simply click on the X (Close) to close the Remote Control Screen.

Operating Systems that Support Remote Control

Windows Devices
  • The Remote Control command will grant you both Remote View and Remote Control over all Windows devices.
  • User permissions – Remote view only
  • System permissions – Remote view and control
  • Root permissions – Remote view and control
  • Samsung Knox permissions – Remote view and control
  • Sony permissions – Remote view and control (requires user confirmation)

Chrome OS
  • The Remote Control command will grant you only Remote View over the Chrome OS device.
Apple OS
  • The operating system does not support the Remote Control command.

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