
Android Device Management For A Better Client-Customer Relationship

Written by:
Nadev Avni
1 December, 2020

If you offer Android devices to your customers, having a platform for managing those devices is important. If you’re offering these devices on lease or payment plans, effective Android device management becomes even more critical. You need a proven way to protect your investment through remote management options that can keep your devices safe and secure.

What is Android Device Management?

An Android device management platform allows you to view, manage, support, and update all the devices within your network, even after they leave your facility. Through this platform, you can push remote updates, send notifications to customers, troubleshoot device issues, and offer helpful product add-ons, such as custom or recommended apps.

Although this platform is called VISO Android TV device management & MDM, the platform can control many types of Android devices, including smart TVs, smart speakers, tablets, cell phones, and more. Device updates can be scheduled to run automatically, optimizing your customer experience and ensuring your devices stay in optimal condition in case they are returned or exchanged. The VISO Android TV device management platform also offers several integration options for easy deployment and flexibility as your product and service offerings evolve.

What are the Benefits of Android Device Management?

Using a device management platform offers several unique benefits including:

  • Support for many types of devices and Android versions
  • Custom device management interfaces for various stakeholders
  • Integration tools for hands-off deployment with OEMs and device vendors
  • Tools for locking, tracking, and wiping device data remotely
  • Batching capabilities for company-wide automatic updates
  • Detailed analytics platforms to aid in future business strategy decisions
  • Advanced messaging capabilities for personalized customer communication
  • Remote support options to keep customer devices in top working condition
  • API integrations for simple custom development to enhance your company’s competitive advantage

How to Use Device Management to Improve Your Customer Relationships

Android device management combines several features useful to telecommunication providers, but most importantly these features can be used strategically to enhance your relationships with your customers. By creating a seamless and innovative experience, your customers will appreciate the support you provide and remain a committed customer for many years. To maximize your customer relationships, take advantage of these key Android device management tools.

Initiate Remote Updates for Easy Device Management

Customers want the convenience and enjoyment of high-tech devices, but many customers do not have the technical expertise or patience for proactively keeping devices at optimal performance. As a provider, you can make device management fast and simple for customers by initiating firmware and application updates remotely.

This approach to android device management will simplify the work required of your IT team and allow for batched processes, ensuring all devices are properly maintained regardless of the size of your network. You can also customize tasks by creating unique user groups or configuring settings for specific operating systems, giving you more control over complex networks with multiple product lines. Most importantly, your customers will experience a device that functions as it was intended, all without lengthy setups or complicated routine maintenance.

Offer Multiple Remote Support Options

Device issues can jeopardize customer relationships, but you can turn them into a relationship builder by demonstrating your commitment to customer service. Using remote control management, your support team can log into customer devices remotely for easy troubleshooting and first-call resolution.

Remote support options can also be used for unique training opportunities – by showing your customers how to get the most out of their Android devices, you can turn a virtual training session into a long-time committed customer.

These remote support options can also be helpful for lost or stolen devices. By having the ability to remotely log in to any device on your network, your team can even support unattended devices and make changes or lock the system if necessary.

Provide a Branded App Store

The Google Play store currently has nearly 3 million apps available for Android device users, but this can create an unwieldy and overwhelming experience. Furthermore, many apps available through the Android marketplace aren’t properly vetted for security or reliability. You can improve your customers’ experiences by providing a private app-store that includes your company’s custom applications along with a streamlined app-store experience of whitelisted apps based on your recommendations.

By encouraging customers to use your private app store, you can also create local network repositories for faster app downloading and reduced network traffic. One-click app installs and removals happen silently without device interruption for your users. Since applications are such a critical part of the user experience for many Android devices, the VISO Android TV device management platform helps your customers find the apps they want for the best possible user experience.

Integrate with Your Other Services

Many telecommunication providers gain a competitive advantage by offering custom applications and services to customers that can’t be found anywhere else. Whether your company offers family-plan GPS tracking, cloud-based data storage, or a personalized account management portal, you need your customers to have quick easy access to the features that make your company unique.

Thanks to the custom API and SDK tools, your branded offerings can be integrated at the factory level during production and be ready for your customers immediately from the time they first power on the new device.

Protect Devices in a Variety of Scenarios

While protecting devices is a concern for your company, it’s also a major concern for your end-users, too. Each device can contain sensitive and personal information, memorable and irreplaceable family photos, and important contacts or resources. Losing a tablet or cell phone can be a traumatic experience for your customers, but you can make it a less painful experience by utilizing the mobile device protection features, such as content security and remote GPS tracking.

These device protection features can also be used to protect your investment in your customers. If lease or service payments fall behind, you can temporarily suspend service to the device remotely and easily restore access remotely upon receipt of payment. Not only will this encourage prompt payment, it will also help your customers from accumulating large bills and falling too far behind in debt.

By combining a variety of features available through the VISO Android TV device management platform, you can protect the investment in your devices – for both you and your customers. Get started with a free trial of VISO MDM, our proprietary device management tool, and see how you can begin improving your customer relationship today.

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