Automation and Rule-Engine

Workflows and Automations

Revolutionize your device management with Radix’s Workflow Manager, an automation and rule-engine tool designed to streamline operations. Configure and deploy command sequences across devices or fleets, ensuring efficient management. Customize workflows for tasks like software updates and security checks, triggered by event-driven actions. Save time and reduce errors, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives with this scalable solution. Experience seamless integration and optimal performance today.

String together commands

Configuring automatic workflows has never been so easy. You can design such a tool that will run over a range of devices, creating order from among the chaos perhaps introducing software, changing configurations or performing security checkups. People can also set up when the events need to be triggered in order to fire the workflows with normal activities without manually interfering ensuring the devices are up to date and secured.

A grid of icons for device management, including messaging, updates, and settings.

Workflows that flow

Increased Efficiency

Radix automates routine tasks, removing the need for manual execution of repetitive commands. This means faster, more consistent results across your entire device network.


Whether managing a small batch of devices or a large enterprise fleet, Radix workflows scale effortlessly, allowing you to deploy sequences of actions across hundreds or thousands of devices simultaneously.

Customizable Commands

You can design workflows to suit your specific business needs, automating a sequence of commands such as installing updates, resetting configurations, or executing performance diagnostics.

Event-Driven Triggers

Workflows can be triggered by specific events, such as when a device goes offline, making real-time management proactive rather than reactive.


Automated workflows allow your team to focus on strategic initiatives by eliminating the need for hands-on management of repetitive tasks.

Error Reduction

Automation minimizes the risk of human errors that can occur when tasks are done manually, ensuring that each process is executed flawlessly, every time.

Example of Workflow Automation in Action

Considering automating hotel guest onboarding and checkout processes through Radix’s management of app data and user history on smart devices. At checkout, Radix Workflows can automatically log out the guest from all apps, clear app history, reset device settings, and remove any stored personal data.

This automation not only enhances guest privacy but also ensures that devices are ready for the next guest without manual intervention. By automating these tasks, Radix helps to streamline the guest experience, and make sure privacy and security is kept, while minimizing operational workload and reducing the risk of human error.

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