Digital signage system

Communicate with students, faculty and staff with an eye-catching display.

Radix digital signage system

scalable and affordable, very easy to master, with no need for a complex back-end system and seamless integration with the Google Calendar and storage environment. In fact for Google users, the interface carries no learning curve at all.

A rich feature-set allows you to:

  • Manage and update digital content from anywhere in the world
  • Maintain and display room-allocation calendars
  • Display custom messages at preset time intervals
  • Incorporate branded layouts with attractive backgrounds
  • Include video files, YouTube links and pictures
  • Add RSS feeds for fresh and dynamic content
  • Design and display unique rotating content for every area
  • Build content from ready-made or customized templates
digital singage system

Digital Signage System - Key features

Low voltage optional hardware

No need for wired LAN connection, working also over

Manage multiple displays in one interface

Radix digital signage system is Supports online and local storage

A plug-in for Google Calendar

Cost effective